


Your shopping list is no longer complete without a sackful of the stuff


What would you say if we told you the key to a healthier body, beautiful skin and less morning sickness was in a piece of fruit? Because that’s the proposition we’re putting to you.

Secret Saviours have been enlightened on the benefits of drinking water with lemon (and they are huge), thanks to lifestyle blog Complete Health and Wellness.

Take your pick from seven products to help you take care of your changing skin while you’re pregnant


Besides thatglow, a common symptom of pregnancy is acne, AKA ‘bacne’. Named to represent acne coming back in adulthood, bacne affects more than one out of two women during their first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to a surge in hormones. The good news is, pregnancy acne is temporary and usually goes away after childbirth, when hormones return to normal.

In the meantime, using oil-free, alcohol-free facial cleansers to replace your usual routine might just help. Check out these alternatives to choose the right product for you. And with not a paraben in sight!

Ring in the new month with this low-calorie dish

Not just a tasty source of vitamins B12 and D, omega-3 fatty acids and protein, a recent study has also found that it could prevent asthma in unborn babies! (Click here to read it.) We’re loving this superfood more and more.


This is an absolute must-read for all stages of pregnancy

We feel for you, we really do. Since your pregnancy, the ligaments in your body have automatically softened and stretched to prepare you for labour. This can put a terrible strain on your lower back and pelvis, causing backache. But there’s hope! Read on to find out what you can do to protect your back.

The trick is, everything in moderation – emphasis on ‘moderation’ not‘everything’…

We totally understand that you could murder a pack of chocolate biccies. And yes, you could eat a horse. But needing to ‘eat enough for two’ is one of the biggest pregnancy myths ever. (Click here andhere to see more pregnancy myths.) Did you know, you only actually need an additional 300 calories during your second trimester and an additional 500 calories in your final trimester?

Keep it lean

Taken from BBC Good Food, this recipe offers an array of nutrients – and is sure to satisfy those meaty cravings.


And how to get more!

During your early visits with the midwife, you may have heard the word anaemia come up once or twice. Not to get too scientific, but this is a term for a deficiency in the number of red blood cells, which most commonly results in feeling tired. 

It’s all about the beans

In line with the superfoods theme of the week, the main attraction here is the bean. Full of nutrients for you and your baby, beans are the perfect centrepiece for your dish. This one is from Real Simple.

