


UK’s Black Pearl Blogger is loving our Anti Stretch Mark Underwear


We appreciate an honest review here at Secret Saviours, which is why we can’t get enough of Sandra’s Black Pearl Blog. 

Chelle’s on her third pregnancy and still reaping the benefits of our Anti Stretch Mark Pack

If this isn’t your first time at the pregnancy rodeo and you think it’s too late for you to use our Anti Stretch Mark Pack, think again!

She’s a mum of two and not a fan of fussy beauty regimes. But can Secret Saviours change all that?

Hannah is a Buckinghamshire blogger of all things mummy-related. With two boys, Beastie and Baby Beastie, she’s expecting a daughter later this year.

Just because she’s already been through previous pregnancies without Secret Saviours, doesn’t mean she can’t benefit the third time around. Hannah feels the same way and she’s kindly written all about her experience of using our products on her blog.

She’s married to a geek and trialing our Anti Stretch Mark Pack in her second trimester

Meet Simone. Mum of one and in her second trimester with Baby Baker, Simone writes about all things beautiful, fashionable and edible on her blog, Married To A Geek. Now she’s writing about all things Baby Bakerish – and that includes trialing our amazing Anti Stretch Mark Pack.

Share our Prima Baby story for a chance to win a FREE Secret Saviours Bump Support Pack

By now, you’ve heard all about the fabulousness of our Bump Support Pack – with its trés chic Support Band, moisturising Day Gel and luxurious Night Cream – and are no doubt keen to get your hands on some. Well, now’s your chance – and it won’t cost you a penny. Using our Bump Support Pack, you can reduce your chances of getting stretch marks by up to 70%!

Mummy blogger Laura Warner reveals how Secret Saviours helped her maintain self-confidence during her pregnancy

They say confidence is the best accessory there is, but it’s a rare commodity during pregnancy. That’s why mummy blogger Laura Warner was opened to trying Secret Saviours during her third pregnancy.

Want free stuff? Meh. Want free Secret Saviours stuff? Absolutely!

Treat yourself in time for Mother’s Day with a fantabulous giveaway from Bump & Me.

The pregnancy blog is offering one of its lucky readers the chance to win a Secret Saviours Anti Stretch Mark Pack.

We’ve chosen some of the best beauty buys for mums-to-be. You’ll make a run for the shops so fast, you’ll forget you’re even pregnant!

Good news, people! We’ve just discovered an easy way to live like a royal. According to reports, the Duchess of Cambridge – pregnant with her second tot – has been dowsing herself (or, at least, her face) in Trilogy Rosehip Oil. And it only costs £16.50 at Boots!

Beauty blogger Ysis Lorenna has been singing our favourite song…

As you know, we’re not averse to blowing our own trumpets here at Secret Saviours. But it’s awfully nice when someone else makes noise.

That’s why we’re loving a post from beauty blogger Ysis Lorenna extolling the virtues of Secret Saviours’ Bump Support Pack (and why wouldn’t she?).

We’re back in the headlines – thanks to blogger Martyna Sobol

She’s done it again! As if a personal blog post wasn’t enough, fashion blogger Martyna Sobol has also written an article for online magazine, mentioning Secret Saviours'Bump Support Pack as a go-to beauty product for pregnancy.

Eine werdende Mutter aus Manchester testete Secret Saviours in der 20. Schwangerschaftswoche. Finden Sie heraus, ob es bei ihr funktioniert hat

Lernen Sie Martyna Sobol kennen. Man könnte denken, dass sie ein Model ist, also hilft es, sich beim Lesen ständig daran zu erinnern, dass unser Produkt von echten Frauen verwendet wird und nicht nur von perfekten Wesen, wie dieses Bild Sie glauben machen möchte.

Secret Saviors sprach Martyna in der 20. Woche ihrer ersten Schwangerschaft an und sie gab zu, dass sie skeptisch war.

Läuferin Kristen hat herausgefunden, wie sie dabei helfen kann, Schwangerschaftsstreifen in Schach zu halten. Lesen Sie, was sie davon hielt, Secret Saviours vor Gericht zu stellen

Mama-Bloggerin Kristen Van Horn ist so etwas wie ein Fitness-Guru. Sie ist verrückt nach dem Laufen und setzt alles daran, es gesund zu halten und gleichzeitig ihren Bauch zu schützen. Sie hat sogar einen Blog darüber, The Concrete Runner.

Die in Missouri lebende Mutter von zwei Kindern war mit ihrem zweiten Baby schwanger, als sie das Secret Saviours’ Bump Support Pack ausprobierte. Sie brachte Miles im Dezember zur Welt.


