


Find out how Britt put her stretch mark worries to rest


Meet Britt. When it comes to stretch marks, she knows all about the various “lotions and potions” claiming to banish them. But she found the real deal with Secret Saviours. Don’t believe us? Read on…

One of our favourite mummy bloggers gave birth to a little girl shortly after making this video review for her readers. Find out what Hannah Wing thinks of the Secret Saviours Anti Stretch Mark Pack

Hannah Wing is a mum of three and runs the Mummy & The Beasties blog where she shares everything you need to know about pregnancy. 

That includes, of course, our Anti Stretch Mark Pack, which Hannah was kind enough to review. 

UPDATE:Since giving birth, Hannah has reported NO STRETCH MARKS.

How did you announce yours?

Gone are the days of simply calling family and friends to share the biggest news of your life: you’re growing a new one! Nowadays, we’re getting much more creative.

Secret Saviours’ founder Sophie steps in front of the camera to answer the ultimate question: “Which way up should the Anti Stretch Mark Band be worn?”

Click here to find out

Beauty blogger Ysis Lorenna has been singing our favourite song…

As you know, we’re not averse to blowing our own trumpets here at Secret Saviours. But it’s awfully nice when someone else makes noise.

That’s why we’re loving a post from beauty blogger Ysis Lorenna extolling the virtues of Secret Saviours’ Bump Support Pack (and why wouldn’t she?).

They grow up so fast – but two minutes takes the biscuit!

Happy Monday! Oh yes it is. Still not convinced? This adorable video will help.

If you need a Monday morning lift, Teddy certainly made ours. 

The 2015 Oscars are upon us. Who’ll take the award for Best Picture? Our money’s on these tykes

Secret Saviours would like to share a funny video in honour of tomorrow’s Academy Awards, courtesy of some clever folks at CineFix.

We reckon this is a much better way to find out what films are up for Best Picture.

And while we’re on the subject, for no particular reason, we’d like to thank our parents – without whom none of this would be possible; our dog, Sparky; the butcher; the baker; the candlestick maker…
