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Check out this hilarious GIF of a mischievous sheep and an unsuspecting mortal.
Meet Martyna Sobol. One could be forgiven for thinking she’s a model, so while reading this, it helps to constantly remind yourself that our product is used by real women and not just perfect beings, as this picture would lead you to believe.
Secret Saviours approached Martyna at week 20 of her first pregnancy and she admits she was skeptical.
So you’re pregnant without the faintest hint of a bump but you can’t tell a soul. And yet, here you are, in a cocktail bar for your best mate’s birthday. The drinks are flowing, but how do you decline without letting on?
Try these on for size.
Mummy blogger Kristen Van Horn is something of a fitness guru. Mad about running, she’s all for keeping it healthy while protecting her bump. She even has a blog about it, The Concrete Runner.
The Missouri-based mum of two was pregnant with her second baby when she trialled Secret Saviours’ Bump Support Pack. She gave birth to Miles in December.
Mummy blogger Becky Gower, also known as Bex, was on her third pregnancy when she started using Secret Saviours’ Anti Stretch Mark Pack.
Already a mum of two boys – four-year-old Dylan and two-year-old Archie – Bex’s stomach carried “marks that tell a story of two little boys, who were not all that little,” she said on her blog.
Secret Saviours has officially been on the market for a week and we must say, we’re feeling quite proud of ourselves.
With some great editorial in the press (namely the Daily Mail and and wonderful coverage in blogs from women who trialled the products, we’re looking forward to helping pregnant women around the world prevent stretch marks.
You don’t need us to tell you that pregnancy can be extremely demanding physically. But we’re sure Secret Saviours can go a long way in alleviating the stresses and strains of this incredible time.
Ashleigh Timchenko from Chicago said using Secret Saviours during her first pregnancy was a great help.
A large part of the success of Secret Saviours was thanks to women who agreed to trial the Support Band, Day Gel and Night Cream during their pregnancies.
One such woman was Kait Kucy in Calgary, Canada, who used Secret Saviours during her first pregnancy. Kait quickly fell in love with our products (frankly, who wouldn’t?) and had nothing but nice things to say about her experience.
At Secret Saviours, we believe in 100% transparency. No gimmicks, no smoke and mirrors, no tricks. Just facts and real results.
Secret Saviours are big on results and making pregnant women feel good. So when Siobhan told us using our Support Band, Day Gel and Night Cream made her breech pregnancy more comfortable, we couldn’t have been happier.
From helping us out around the house to putting up with our crying hysterically into a ball of tissues at the sight of an Andrex advert (well, that puppy is just too darn cute!), they’ve been there for us throughout our pregnancy.
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