Secret Saviours Testimonial: Slick Mummy’s Story

This week, Secret Saviours was in the hot seat of online magazine Slick Mummy

Secret Saviours Pack shot Slick Mummy

Online mag Slick Mummy spoke to our founder, Sophie, before passing Secret Saviours’ Anti Stretch Mark Pack on to a mum-to-be to see the results for themselves. Sophie told the magazine, “We already have a clinical trial proving the product works, but to have customers across the board give Secret Saviours such a massive thumbs up is fantastic. We can now categorically say that we are THE product to prevent stretch marks.”

Slick Mummy’s tester reassured readers that if the process “seems like a lot of faff, it really isn’t – especially if you’d be wearing a support band anyway”.

She added, “This isn’t my first child, so before I started testing this, there were already a few marks ready to pop – as it were. But four weeks in, they haven’t – despite my belly being larger in trimester two than I was at due date with my first.”

Her final verdict? “There is no doubt this system does work. I think it’s great and works for me in the 11 seconds of ‘me time’ I am currently allowed.”

Click here to get your Anti Stretch Mark Pack now. To read the full Slick Mummy review, click here.

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