


Say ‘no!’ to baby brain!


Busy? Stressed? Sleep deprived? It’s enough to make anyone forgetful, whether you’re pregnant or not! But if this is something you’re really struggling with, you’ll be pleased to know thereare things you can do to help!

Secret Saviours sets the record straight once and for all!


Many of you will no doubt swear blind you’ve been hit with a strange bout of “For The Life Of Me I Can’t Remember!’ syndrome, commonly known as baby brain. But there might be some perfectly reasonable explanations for this new state of mind.

Well if the boffins say it’s true, then it must be so, right?

Someone’s trying to rob you of The Best Pregnancy Get-Out Clause Ever, AKA baby brain. According to some busy bodies who don’t know when to leave well enough alone, the phenomenon is in fact a state of mind!
