Does Baby Brain Really Exist?

Secret Saviours sets the record straight once and for all!

Jordan blog on Gaines on brain 

Many of you will no doubt swear blind you’ve been hit with a strange bout of “For The Life Of Me I Can’t Remember!’ syndrome, commonly known as baby brain. But there might be some perfectly reasonable explanations for this new state of mind.

It seems the whole world is obsessed with the phenomenon. A stateside academic Jordan Gaines Lewis recently published an article delving into the science behind a wide variety of pregnancy ailments, including heightened sense of smell and morning sickness.

Studies looking into the veracity of baby brain have proven inconclusive over the years. While results have revealed that a small percentage of women experience increased forgetfulness during their first trimester, the reasons might be more straightforward than we think.

Jordan notes “sleep deprivation or the newfound stress of dealing with a major life change as possible contributors to absentmindedness during pregnancy”. She added, “Some research suggests that there’s a cultural expectation at play, as the popular concept of ‘pregnancy brain’ may simply make women more aware of their everyday slip-ups. A change in daily routine with a new pregnancy might disrupt some women’s memory abilities, too.”

So to set the record straight, baby brain might well be a myth…

What do you reckon? Leave us a comment.

1 Antwort



November 16, 2015

Has Jordan ever been pregnant I wonder?!
My goodness me, it does exist! I am not suffering sleep depreciation as suggested in the article, and I have gone from Miss do everything, remember everything to Miss what was I doing?
If you google forgetfulness in pregnancy, you’ll find numerous articles written by medical researchers who have monitored brain activity during pregnancy, and they find that brain activity moves from the left side of the brain which is used for logic to the right side of the brain which is used to interpret emotion – they believe this is so that a mother can be more in tune with her baby’s needs upon birth. I have also read that your brain matter actually shrinks a small amount during the third trimester only to return to normal after birth.
Add that to the fact that you can’t remember what you what mean to be doing….. again…. and I think you have your answer.
Just roll with it, I say. And makes lots of notes! :-)

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