


She’s fast approaching the finish line, with not a stretch mark in sight

We love dedication here at Secret Saviours and it doesn’t get better than mummy blogger Jules. She’s beenwriting about her experience of using ourAnti Stretch Mark Pack since February on her blogPondering Parenthood.

We first heard from Lisa six weeks ago. Find out how she’s doing today


Back in March, mummy blogger Lisa told her Love of a Captain readers she’d started using our Anti Stretch Mark Pack. Now she has an update on her experience.

“A great big hug all day.” Surely it doesn’t get any better than that!

Beau is Blue blogger Suz is mum to toddler Elliott and is pregnant with her second child, due next month. She got a few stretch marks during her first pregnancy and noticed more starting to appear during this one, so she was happy to give Secret Saviours’ Anti Stretch Mark Pack a try.

That’s a first…

Remember when we told you about mum-to-be-blogger Jules? She documents the joys of pregnancy in her blog Pondering Parenthood, including using our Anti Stretch Mark Pack. Well, Jules has a Secret Saviours update for her readers!

Find out how Britt put her stretch mark worries to rest


Meet Britt. When it comes to stretch marks, she knows all about the various “lotions and potions” claiming to banish them. But she found the real deal with Secret Saviours. Don’t believe us? Read on…

This might not be Lisa’s first pregnancy, but she’s keen to be stretch mark free the second time around

We like to think of ourselves as an all-inclusive brand. We welcome ALL pregnant women to our family! You don’t have to be on your first pregnancy to benefit from our Anti Stretch Mark Pack. And that’s exactly the case for parenting and lifestyle blogger Lisa Hudson.

We're loving this profile piece. Can you guess why?

If you're curious about who Secret Saviours are and what goes on behind the scenes, then you've come to the right place – kind of. 

The Budding Smiles blogger had her doubts, but not for long


Hannah Clarke, 29, has a toddler and is expecting her second baby, a girl, in the spring. With so much going on, this married young mum still finds time to write a fab blog, reviewing life-changing products in the process – including our Anti Stretch Mark Pack.

Jules went above and beyond to prove our Anti Stretch Mark Pack works

One of the best things about Jules’ blog is her honesty. She isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, and she does just that when it comes to the topic of stretch marks. She told her readers, “I know it might seem vain and I salute women who are proud of their post-partum bodies, but I’m worried about the aesthetic impact that pregnancy is going to have on my body, and hate the idea of stretch marks.”

This young beauty blogger is loving our Anti Stretch Mark Pack

As a self-professed “science geek”, Kate knows her stuff. She has a passion for all things beauty and started her Beauty Constellation blog as a student while pursuing a career in cosmetic chemistry.

Not to brag, but we’re Bethanie’s favourite


“Clever.” “Wonder product.” “Luxurious.” These are just some of the words mummy blogger Bethanie Lunn used in her gorgeous blog to describe Secret Saviours.

Mummy blogger Sarah says she would “highly recommend” our Anti Stretch Mark Pack as a “pregnancy essential”

Blogger Sarah Morgan knows a thing or two about pregnancy products, having given birth for the first time in 2014. So who better to judge the benefits of our Anti Stretch Mark Pack?
