Guest Post: 3 Ways To Stay Glam during Pregnancy

Getting over that midway point in pregnancy is something that all pregnant ladies look forward to from the minute they find out they’re pregnant – whether it’s because they’re bursting to find out whether it’s a boy or girl or whether it’s just to get over the whole morning sickness and feeling-like-crap stage. If you’re one of the lucky ones that have managed to sail through pregnancy like there’s no tomorrow then hats off to you, but most ladies unfortunately have some symptoms that completely knock them out and make them crave feeling ‘normal’ again. 

If you’re looking for a few ways to feel more like you again or you want to remain feeling as ‘Glam as you can’ then take a few of these tips on board and treat yourself to a pamper night (or two) if you’re ever feeling low…

Face Masks

A good pamper solvesall most women’s problems and it can definitely help when it comes to pregnancy. If you’re able to take a bath then whacking a load of bubbles in, lighting some candles and chilling with a magazine or book can help you de-stress and take your mind off whatever it is that’s bothering you. Add a face mask to the mix and you’re good to go – try and get one that targets any problem areas you may have, pregnancy can dry your skin out so perhaps a hydrating one or one that can help detox your skin to let that pregnancy glow come through. I love the Tony Moly sheet masks – they’re super nourishing and not messy at all, simply pop the mask on, throw the mask away! You can read a little more about them and find out where to buy them here. 

3 Ways To Stay Glam during Pregnancy


Not everyone wears it, not everyone likes it, but if you’re a lover of makeup and all things Beauty then doing your makeup regularly will definitely help you to feel more glam when you’re feeling low and, well, pregnant. We all have off days, let’s admit… Hair up, no makeup, PJ’s on and slogging on the sofa but, to feel yourself, if you regularly wear makeup then wear it! Pop on your favourite lipstick, play with some new eye shadows or even buy yourself some new bits to try and see how good it makes you feel. It doesn’t matter about what other people think – you’re pregnant, you do whatever you need to do to feel like yourself. 

Makeup box

Hair dressers

If you’ve had children before, you’ll appreciate how sacred hairdressing appointments are, you will give anything to have 2 hours peace and quiet in a hairdressers chair. When baby comes along, those days are going to be hard to catch unless you have a babysitter on hand or a willing partner to step in for a few hours. Whilst you can, treat yourself to a good wash, cut and blow-dry and swish that hair around like nobody’s business. It may seem like such a small thing but it really will make the world of difference! 

Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean that you have to change your ways – you can read all about having a full on Pregnancy Pamper here if you want to know more things that can help you boost yourself, but if you wear false lashes daily, carry on wearing those false lashes! If you wear extensions whenever you leave the house, carry on wearing those extensions! Girl, if you wear 3 inch heels to do the food shop, damn right you should still wear those 3 inch heels! Do whatever feels normal for you and do whatever makes you feel your best! 

Hair dressers

Written by Emma Bradford who blogs at about all things Lifestyle, Parenting and Beauty and lives in the East Midlands.

1 Antwort

Susy Richards

Susy Richards

März 10, 2017

Amazing tips! Thank you!

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