How Secret Saviours Stopped Me Getting Stretch Marks - Siobhan

Find out what one woman who trialled Secret Saviours seven weeks into her second pregnancy thought of our products

 Siobhan video

Secret Saviours are big on results and making pregnant women feel good. So when Siobhan told us using our Anti Stretch Mark Band, Day Gel and Night Cream made her breech pregnancy more comfortable, we couldn’t have been happier.

Siobhan started using our products seven weeks into her pregnancy and noticed a change immediately.

“At 28 weeks, I went to see my midwife and when she palpated my stomach, she told me that Oscar was in breech position,” she told us.

“I’d been having these really horrible tearing sensations in my skin. It felt really horrible and uncomfortable.” That’s when she discovered our Anti Stretch Mark Pack.

“I started using it and almost overnight, the sensation went away,” said Siobhan, who is also mum to seven-year-old Eddie.

“I continued wearing the band as I got bigger and bigger and it really helped with back pain and it just felt like everything was nicely held in place.

“I love the ritual of using the creams morning and night and it was a little bit of ‘me time’ in between working in a busy advertising agency and running around after a seven-year-old.”

Oscar was a modest (!) nine-and-a-half pounds when he was born, but Siobhan said she had no stretch marks!

“I’m happy to say that I didn’t have any stretch marks with Oscar, even though I had a rather large bump.”

Siobhan continued to wear the Anti Stretch Mark Band after she gave birth for continued comfort and support.

Find out more by watching her personal video.

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