Supporting choice on International Women’s Day

Take control of your pregnancy bodyHere at Secret Saviours we believe International Women’s Day is all about choice for women. 

It’s a time to reflect on how far we’ve come with the choices we’ve made, but also a time to look forward to what else we need to achieve.

Supporting International Women’s Day
#Balance for Better


Take control of your pregnancy body

Choice is never more important than in pregnancy. It’s not just about how to keep yourself fit and healthy for your growing baby but also how you choose to care for yourself during this precious time.

Stretch mark prevention is just one of the many choices you have to make.  Whether you decide to let nature take its course – and why not, every post pregnancy body is beautiful and should be celebrated, or take action to prevent stretch marks, you can only make an informed choice once you understand how stretch marks form and how they can be prevented.

How stretch marks form

stretch marks in the bump

The doctors who invented Secret Saviours spent many months studying stretch marks to understand how they form. We’ve simplified their findings in this diagram below:

Langer's  natural skin linesLanger’s lines are the body’s natural skin lines. Any tears (surgical incisions or natural tears) that occur at right angles to Langer’s lines take longer to heal and leave more scarring than those that run in the same direction as these lines.

Stresses and strains form in the middle layer of skin (the dermis) as the skin stretches during pregnancy. Continued pressure causes tiny micro-tears to appear and these eventually rip downwards at right angles to the body’s natural skin lines, known as Langer’s lines.

These tears appear as red lines that eventually fade to a pale silvery colour after childbirth. However they never disappear completely.


How to prevent stretch marks

Until now the only choice on the market was cream, gel or oil.  None of these can prevent stretch marks – they can only make your skin softer and more supple.   If you don’t believe us check out the independent Cochrane Report here.

Our inventors realised that through the use of clever fabric, that we call Dermal Support Technology, stretch marks really can be prevented.

We’ve explained it all in this diagram below:-

Raised, slightly tacky pads gently grip the skin diffusing pressure on the micro-tears caused by stretching skin. This ‘diffusion’ prevents them from spreading in straight lines downwards and developing into full blown stretch marks.

Stretch marks prevention pads

The random pattern of the pads blocks potential stretch marks from finding a straight route downwards so they can’t form.

Now you know the facts, the choice is yours! Whether you decide to become one of the 82% of women who can be stretch mark free by using our 3-step system, or embrace your stretch marks (7 out of 10 women will get them during pregnancy) we think it’s important to celebrate your post baby body.

Enjoy International Women’s Day. We all deserve it!


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