Spring Clean Your Beauty Bag


Why not make your beauty bag a happy bag of positivity by giving it a spring clean!

Makeup box

Many of us are guilty of keeping our makeup products long past their PAO (period after opening) dates … yes, that’s right, like foods, cosmetics go off!  But with no sell by dates printed on the packaging, and no obvious signs of decay, it’s often tricky to know when good make up goes bad. 


EU rules say that all make up/cosmetics have to have a PAO on it by law. In case you don't know this is the symbol and it says how long after opening it will last.

Makeup container

The main cause for concern is contamination. Makeup collects germs and should be thrown away once it’s reached it’s PAO – even if it’s your favourite product and you can’t buy it anymore.


We’ve pulled together this nifty little Spring Cleaning Checklist, which we thought we’d share with all our lovely mums-to.be. 



This essential piece of kit, has a shelf life of one year. It’s usually fairly easy to spot when blusher has got-to go, as it tends to become dry and cakey. Cream blushers will last about eighteen months, as the pigment and oils preserve them.


This has a shelf life of one year. Remember to make sure you wash your brushes if you’ve been using them on spots.

Eye shadow

These last around two years, whether you use cream or powder.


Oil-based foundation and make-up powder last for up to 18 months. 

Lipstick and Lip Gloss

Both have a shelf life of up to two years. But remember to chuck them out immediately if you get a cold sore! As with your make-up brushes, wash you lip brush weekly.


This is the product to keep an eye out for (excuse the pun!).  Mascara only lasts for around four months and should never be shared with your friends.

There’s no time like the present ladies – clean out the old makeup and treat yourself to new. 

Find out about our beauty bag must haves on our latest Pinterest board! 

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