Creams, Gels and Oils alone won’t prevent stretch marks

A staggering 8 out of 10 women will get stretch marks during pregnancy. They’re an everyday problem, affecting all skin types, developing on thighs, breasts and most commonly on the tummy.  

Stretch marks are skin tears in the dermis.  They form at right angles to the body’s natural skin lines known as Langer’s Lines. Once formed there is little that can be done to remove them.

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

With today’s body positive attitudes some women wear stretch marks as a badge of honour following pregnancy. However, we have been contacted by countless women who have shared their distress at the emotional and physical scars left by stretch marks. 

Whilst we support women who are happy with their post pregnancy skin we are proud that Secret Saviours can finally offer women a product that is clinically proven to prevent stretch marks.

Traditional creams, oils and gels don’t prevent stretch marks

Until now women have had to rely on topical creams, oils and gels to help in their battle with stretch marks.  However, these don’t work!  They can only claim to make the skin more supple, which might lessen the appearance of stretch marks as they form, but it won’t prevent or remove them. This is verified by the independent Cochrane Report and the British Dermatology Society who have both found that there is “no high-quality evidence to support the use of any of the topical preparations in the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy”.

Secret Saviours makes it 90% harder for Stretch Marks to form

The award-winning Secret Saviours Stretch Mark Prevention Kit is the only skincare system in the world clinically proven to be able to prevent stretch marks.  Invented by surgeons and endorsed by University College Hospital London this 3-step system will prevent stretch marks in 82% of women. The powerful combination of cutting-edge textile technology and natural ingredients makes this system a must-have for all pregnant women wishing to remain stretch mark free.

Secret Saviours stretch marks remover


Central to the Kit’s success is the innovative Bump Band, featuring revolutionary patented pads, developed with Dermal Support TechnologyTM, which gently grip the skin, preventing stretch marks finding a route to tear downwards. 

Bump Band to prevent stretch mark


This is accompanied by the refreshing Day Gel, essential in keeping the pads in place and the deeply moisturising Night Cream, which nourishes skin during sleep. The result is soft smooth, stretch mark free skin.

We’re excited to announce the arrival of our simple 3-step Stretch Mark Prevention System in Australia.  It’s now available in-store or at



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