Coping with Morning Sickness at Work


With news flooding in this week of two of the worlds’ senior politicians being pregnant whilst in office, we thought we’d look at the challenges of working through those early weeks in pregnancy.

Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, and Tammy Duckworth,the first US senator planning to give birth whilst in office, are an inspiration to all of us wanting to prove that we can continue with our careers whilst pregnant.


Morning Sickness in the Workplace

Apparently 70% of us feel nauseous during those early weeks in pregnancy.

We’ve asked around in the office for top ideas on easing nausea and preventing vomiting.  We think we’ve found some great tips to share with you:


  1. Sniff on fresh scents like lemon or rosemary
  2. Snack in bed 20 minutes before you get up in the morning
  3. Drink plenty of fluids (fizzy water works well) or munch on ice
  4. Become a grazer – apparently eating little and often really helps
  5. Protein and carbs calm your nausea down (we used to chuckle when one of the team went everywhere with a little bag of nuts tucked into her bag, but she swore she couldn’t survive without them!)
  6. Eat ginger – apparently, it works wonders (try ginger ale, ginger tea or ginger sweets).
  7. Don’t eat food when it’s too hot
  8. We know it’s boring – but try to keep your food quite bland
  9. Brush your teeth often
  10. Rest helps too – make sure after a hard day’s work you put your feet up when you get home.

Morning Sickness in the Workplace

Ginger is known to calm unsettled stomachs – but make sure you don’t exceed the recommended dose.


Have you got any great tips on preventing morning sickness to share with us?

Feel free to comment below




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