Guest Blog: by Fertility Coach Joanne Sissons
Joanne talks to us about loving yourself, the power of listening to your heart and marvels at the human egg!
Tell me, how much do you know about eggs?
No, not the chocolate ones, but your own.
As cells go, human eggs are truly amazing. Measuring at approximately 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) in diameter, this tiny cell has the ability to select the ideal sperm, to divide, and divide again to form a heart, body, complex brain, limbs and vital organs. Everything it needs to grow and flourish to become a member of the family. It's truly incredible, and personally I don't feel it's celebrated enough. So this Easter during these extraordinary times please take some time to marvel at this little cell that's growing inside your womb. But also, I'd like you to spend some time remembering that you too began life as this intelligent cell, and still hold its unique DNA.
I often teach my mummies-to-be of the importance of self-love. Love has such a wonderfully high vibration that it holds the potential to soothe, heal and create the conditions for anyone to flourish. But for some, a long, heart-breaking fertility journey can diminish this love. One way of rekindling this love is to find a baby picture of yourself. By holding it close you can remember how precious, unique and divinely loved you are too.

For four years I struggled to conceive. Doctors told me that I was heading towards an early menopause and gave me just a 5% chance of conceiving naturally. Over time I had created dis-ease within my body. I felt utterly useless as a woman, and had very little self-love. The last thing I wanted to do was love myself, but that's exactly what my mental, emotional and physical body were calling for.
Everything began to change for me when I heard an intuitive healer speaking on a fertility web seminar saying; "listen to your heart. What does it want you to do?" I was instantly gripped. I knew I had to stop everything, all my fertility appointments and the kindest gift - my best friend had offered to be our egg donor. I had never stopped to think about my heart, my 'wanting' mind had been in charge. That's when I embarked on a healing journey that helped me release my buried beliefs, awoke my intuitive gifts, and a love of connecting with spirit babies (your baby-to-be) in spiritual form.
My spirit baby, my son, was teaching me to stop 'wanting' and to start 'welcoming'. To reconnect to my body, especially my womb and consider relocating. Our house in the city was on the market, but we weren't sure where to live. When we viewed a house near a nature reserve I felt my energy buzz with his excitement; I felt sure he was letting me know it was the right move for him. Now aged 6 he has a love of being by the water and shares his Dad's love of fishing!
Spirit babies are keen communicators and love to hear us sing, talk, or ask them questions. They can hang around their mother and father for months or even years before choosing to leave the comfort of their spiritual world. Whether you felt your baby's presence before conception, or not, it doesn't matter. What matters now, especially in these challenging times is that we nurture, care and love ourselves. When Sophie showed me the Secret Saviours belly bands and explained how they prevent stretch marks, it struck me that using one was another act of self-love. I definitely would have worn one when I was pregnant! The Buddha says; "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."

The souls we are birthing right now, are not choosing to be born at the low vibration of self-judgement. Instead they desire the higher vibrations of coherence, trust and love. They are coming into this world to be our teachers, to help you heal past wounds and inspire goodness for the Earth.
No matter where you are on your fertility journey, put down the chocolate eggs for a moment and place a hand on your heart, and the other on your belly. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep, long breaths, and together let's celebrate the most amazing egg there is.
Heart hugs.
Intuitive Fertility Coach. Is trying to conceive all you can think about? Joanne is passionate about supporting mummies-to-be. She knows how all-consuming trying to conceive can be. Doctors told her that she had less than 5% chance of conceiving. After initially feeling defeated, Joanne embarked on a healing journey that helped her release the buried beliefs, awoke her intuitive gifts, and a love of connecting with spirit babies (your baby-to-be) in spiritual form. Whether you connect remotely with Joanne for a one-to-one coaching call, or visit her for an intuitive womb massage in Kent, she will guide you out of the 'wanting' mind and down into the 'welcoming' space of the heart. It's from there she believes you can receive answers, and regain a sense of calm. If you'd like to shine a light on what could be blocking you from conceiving, and are ready to start welcoming your future baby to your family, Joanne would love to hear from you. @intuitive_fertility_coach |
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