New Year’s Resolutions During Pregnancy

2022 is behind us and what a wild year it has been. There’s always pressure at this time of year to make huge, life-changing resolutions for the new year. Resolutions that are almost impossible to stick to and end up making you feel a bit stressed and guilty – instead of making your 2023 better!

1. Woman in pyjamas looking at her baby bump

And let’s not forget you already have something pretty big to do next year – have a baby!

The new year is an amazing time to come at life with a refreshed attitude and new goals, learnt from the year just passed, but pregnancy is not the time to make even more drastic life changes, or make yourself stressed with extremely ambitious goals.

If you want to set yourself up for some improvements for the new year here are a few resolution ideas for expectant mothers that will help make your pregnancy, and the first year with your new baby, even more of a joy.

1 – Begin a consistent workout routine.

2. Pregnant lady sat doing gentle exercise

We've gone into a lot more depth about the best exercises for pregnancy, and how to stick to your workout plans in our guide to pregnancy fitness.

But a light workout will work wonders for keeping you and your baby healthy, and there is no better time to start than the present! Focus on gentle walks, stretches and building strength and not only will you bounce back from having your baby but you’ll already have a routine in place to keep up your fitness during the new year too. Bonus tip: your workout is a great chance for some alone time, and for some mental clarity! 

2 – Improve your diet.

3. Mum-to-be eating healthy cereal

During pregnancy your diet has probably already changed, you’ve had to cut out caffeine and alcohol, maybe you’re missing your favourite sushi, maybe you’re not very sure what you can eat with all the pregnancy diet myths floating around the internet.

And diet has never been more important, because the vitamins and goodness you consume are going to help your baby to grow healthily.

So why not take this opportunity to gently improve your diet, switching to organic foods, cooking at home instead of ordering take away… you may even stumble across the tastiest veg filled recipes that you’ll be making for your whole family one day soon!

Just remember not to be too strict, you need to eat enough to fuel all that hard work your body is doing, and any diets that are too strict will be far harder to stick to – think about fuelling your body properly, not restricting it.

3 – Clear out the clutter.

4. Getting things ready for baby's arrival

You probably don’t want to do a huge clear out whilst you’re heavily pregnant, but your new baby is going to take up a lot of room! Plus, you certainly won’t want to be doing a huge clearout when you have a newborn baby to look after either.

It may not be fun, but asking your partner, or a few friends and family to help you do a clear out now, is something you will thank yourself for in a few months’ time!

Whether it’s just the long overdue wardrobe clear out, finally organising your home office, or even emptying out a whole room to create the new baby’s bedroom. A new year’s clean can be the perfect pregnancy resolution to do this year.

4 - Mindfulness & self-care

5. Pregnant lady relaxing in soapy bath

Invest in some self-care. Just like with physical exercise, taking care of your mind is hugely important to help you get through pregnancy, birth and to deal with the potential stress of a new baby.

There are so many ways you can relive stress, and they can be quick, easy additions to your daily routine. Meditating for 5 minutes before bed each night, having a relaxing bath every evening, making sure you invest time into your self-care and relaxation routines, or even taking yourself out for-spa days and treaty days out.

This is a resolution you can start now to aid your pregnancy, and continue long after you’ve given birth, to help you feel happier, calmer and more at peace throughout your daily life.

5 – Learn something new

6. Woman with baby bump reading and relaxing

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – when your baby is born, you’re going to get busy!

So, take this opportunity with the beginning of the new year to take up a new hobby or learn that thing you always wanted to. Go to a sewing workshop, take a drawing class, read that book on poetry that you never got around to reading.


Whatever you choose to learn will bring you joy, and will be a hobby that you can continue throughout the new year (even if you do it a little less once you have your baby) to bring you a little enjoyment, private time, and help keep those creative and intellectual juices flowing.

6 – Speak affirmations.


7. Positive pregnancy affirmations pie chart

We all have insecurities, and with the heightened hormones and stresses of pregnancy it can be hard to fight that negative voice in your head. But for the sake of your mind, and as a wonderful attitude to pass on to your child, why not start the new year off on a positive note by speaking affirmations to yourself every morning.

Whether it’s about reminding yourself how beautiful you are, telling yourself you deserve that promotion, or anything else that you may sometimes find plaguing your mind. Affirming to yourself how amazing you are will help start every day off right.

7 – Stop putting things off.

8. Pregnant mum-to-be getting things done on her laptop

What came to mind when you read that? That paperwork you need to do? That phone call you need to make? The savings account you meant to open? Now is the time to tie up loose ends and start the new year without the weight of unfinished projects hanging over you.

Your pregnancy should be the only thing you’re carrying into 2023!

Whatever it is, no matter how boring, just get it done and you’ll feel so much better!

8 - Spend more time outside.

9. Two pregnant women having lunch outside

This is an easy one. Whether you have time to take a long stroll outside, to pop out for a few minutes whilst you drink a cup of tea (decaf of course), or just step out for a few deep breaths on your lunch break. 

The cool breeze, the real sunlight, the vitamin D, the fresh air… it will all feel amazing. Especially if you work from home or spend most of the day cooped up by a desk.

9 – Sort out your birth plan.

10. Pregnant woman sorting out her birthing plan

There’s a lot to consider when the big day comes, and whilst some people may eagerly plan it out at the first opportunity, some may feel a bit scared, not realise how important it is or just not have time to get to it!

Well now is the time.

Have you thought about your babies name? Packed your hospital bag? Chosen your birthing playlist? Planning to create a scrapbook of your pregnancy but not even started yet? Once you start thinking about it there are a lot more elements to consider when it comes to the birth day. And it’s best not to leave it to the last minute and risk having a stressful day without your ideal environment – especially if your little bundle of joy decides to come early!

10 – Don’t stress.

11. Pregnant woman sat in yoga position

Easier said than done right!

Stress can take such a toll on your body, and consequently your baby. So maybe all you need to do for your pregnancy new year’s resolution is to resolve to relax more!

Whether that means taking up pregnancy relaxation techniques , lightening your workload and asking for more help, or simply by not making any resolutions at all!

What could be a better lesson to take into the new year than to feel more relaxed instead of overwhelmed and burnt out all the time.

Your pregnancy is the time to be all about you, so don’t worry about expectations - why not take the refreshing, regenerating spirit of the new year to do whatever you need to do to enjoy your pregnancy.


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