

We’re still waiting to hear what questions customers will have about our new collection, but we’re sure many of them will be covered here in our list of FAQs. If you would like to know anything about our new preventionwear range or 3-step system please email and we’ll get straight back to you.

Read our FAQs about  how Secret Saviours works, safety & exercising while using our stretch mark prevention system.   

Our Bump Bands and Full-Briefs are equally as effective and both fit snugly around your bump. However we have had feedback from customers telling us that those with hour glass or pear shaped figures find Full-Briefs suit them better and those with an apple or rectangular figure tend to prefer our Band.

You can find out more here:

We estimate that with daily use they will last approximately 80 washes or 3-4 months. 

We can reassure you that the band will not harm the baby. The level of compression is minimal to the inside of the abdomen as the baby 'swims' in amniotic fluid - water (in effect) is not at all compressible, so baby will have just as much 'room' to move around, with or without a band present. The Stretch Mark Prevention Band should fit snugly over your bump and the special pads should leave an impression on your skin - this means it’s working!

It’s never too late to start using the products and preventing the stretch marks from escalating, even if you’re in your last few weeks of pregnancy. Secret Saviours may stop them from forming further.

You certainly can! It’s similar to using a supportive sports bra. It’ll also help reduce strain on your lower back and post-exercise fatigue may be more tolerable.
